Comprehensive Eye Exams
In the Comprehensive Eye Exam we check your vision, your eye muscles, if you need glasses, your eye health including but not limited to checking for Glaucoma, Macular degeneration and any other concerns you may have.
Emergency Eye Exams
In case of an eye emergency, optometrist are first stop to make. We have the tools to detect problems early. Same day appointments may be available, if not, our flexible schedule allows for a quick solution.
Paediatric Eye Exams
Did you know that eye exams for those 19 and under are covered under OHIP? We can examine kids as young as 6 months. Then recommend another eye test before junior kindergarten.
Dry Eye Exams
Dry eyes may sound simple but every case is different and the treatment for every person differs. If your eyes feel itchy, or scratchy, it could be dry eyes.
Corrective Surgery Co-Management
Have questions on laser eye surgery, and where to go to get it done, come in for an eye exam and we can answer any questions, direct you to the right place and walk through the journey with you.
Did we miss something?
Contact your local eye doctors in Toronto directly to answer your questions.